Products & Services

OTR tire life-cycle management service

The OTR tire life-cycle management concept is very mature in international market, especially in western market; however, it is still under starting stage in China. BHK ( Hong Kong ) Mining Technology Co., Ltd. is the first professional company which provides consulting and service about OTR tire life-cycle management technology in China.
As the first enterprise proposing the concept of OTR tire life-cycle management service in China, we promise to provide customers with perfect solution in the whole tire use process, and assist target mine customers to quickly get hold of internationally advanced OTR tire management method so as to extend service life of tire, to minimize vehicle down time, to enhance the safety of tire-related operational personnel, and finally to bring considerable comprehensive benefits to our coustmer.
The consulting and service about OTR tire life-cycle management technology mainly include:

  • Tire pressure & temperature management and monitoring
  • Managing, collecting, transferring , and maintenance of tire field data
  • Regular tire maintenance
  • Tire matching and transposition
  • Training and maintaining of mining tire related tools
  • Tire repair
  • maintenance of hub and rim
  • Design suggestions and maintenance for mine haul road
  • Training on relevant personnel’s tire safe awareness
  • Regular tire management report
  • Regular analysis on use of tire
  • Suggestions for purchase and selection of tire
  • Tire scrap analysis and scrap disposal
  • Implementation of testing on new tire, hub and rim as well as relevant tools

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